Part 1: Design

Section A: Elements and Principles

Define in sentence form the following term and discuss how it, when incorporated into a handspun yarn, contributes to the overall design in weaving, knitting, crocheting and lace making.


Proportion is the relationship of the size of elements in a design. The contrast between elements of different sizes can convey a sense of distance or indicate scale (image 4.) Sometimes a human element is implied and the design uses elements of unnatural size to contrast the more usual scale of everyday experience. An unusually large element can indicate a larger relative importance to convey a thematic meaning. Perception of proportion is affected by cultural standards, particularly with respect to representations of human figures. The intended design is an important consideration because there is no fundamentally "correct" proportion, only what is established as the accepted norm.

For a fabric, if a yarn is much larger or much smaller than another, then a pattern may be considered out of proportion if this is not the intended design. For example, if a pattern weft is too large or small in relation to the ground yarn, the pattern will not show as intended even with the correct woven structure because there is not enough contrast between pattern and ground. A color or texture can be out of proportion if it overwhelms other elements of the design. There is no concept of proportion without at least two design elements to compare and contrast, this can be two or more yarns or two or more design elements in the same yarn, such as thick and thin sections or plies.


Maximum 12 points

Examiner 1: 10
Examiner 2: 8