Part 1: Design

Section C: Color Schemes

Present a short explanation of the following color scheme:


A monochromatic color scheme uses only a single hue and its variations in chroma (image 1.) It may also be based on a color not on the color wheel, such as brown or black.


Maximum 12 points

Examiner 1: 12
Examiner 2: 12

I knew I didn't want to try to find or construct images here because I can't draw worth a damn and I don't have any fancy image manipulation software. And I found this great program that does nothing but generate color schemes. The terminology it used was slightly different and the colors don't print exactly the same as they show on the monitor because of the RGB/CMYK conversion but I didn't think it was enough to worry about. I tried a few experiments before deciding to use the visible spectrum color wheel rather than the artist's color wheel, but described the color schemes in terms of relative placement so they would apply to different kinds of color wheels.