Skein #27 Yarn From Protein Fibers, Long, Hair Type

15 m 28 g 500 m/kg
3.3 w/cm 8.5 w/in
Size Determination: Thick

Hair top

Reason for choice of this sample
A guild member graciously offered this well-aged relic. It is moderately fine for camel hair, with a good staple length. The lighter color is probably bleached.

Gift, originally from Straw Into Gold of Berkeley, California.

Preparation for spinning
None needed

Equipment used
Flyer spinning wheel, drop spindle

Type of spinning
Short forward draft

Direction of Twist

Number of plies

Washed and blocked

Suggested uses
This yarn is intended to be weft for everyday utility rugs. The cabled color pattern looks like 2-ply but as a 4-ply it is more abrasion resistant. It can also be used for crochet rugs and bags or household twine that won't break.


Maximum 54 points

Examiner 1: 51
Examiner 2: 54

Both liked this yarn, Examiner 2 noted that the fiber would usually be considered "too coarse." Maybe now, but this was hot stuff back in the 70s. I suspect the fiber is that old, too.

This was the most difficult fiber to locate. I tried mohair, but I didn't find anything that I would consider "long." All the long, hair-like fiber I had came from sheep. I wanted to use the rest of the llama, but the fleece I got had terrible chopped up hair. Some people think alpaca is a hair fiber, but if you talk to alpaca breeders h-a-i-r is clearly a four-letter word. It also varies by animal and I had already bought enough fiber sight unseen that wasn't what I thought it was. I wasn't interested in importing a container of horsehair from China, all I found on the Internet. Finally somebody dug this out of a back closet somewhere.