I’m working on more Merino lamb, I just pulled out another batch of fiber to start combing. I thought I’d post some pictures along the way. Here’s the first one. I’ve flicked all the ends so they aren’t nasty, taking most of the VM out along the way. Lamb is like that, having never been shorn, the tips are curly so it sometimes takes some extra work.
This is basically everything I could ever hope for in a mashup: textiles, Anglo-Saxon history and computers. The office has been sending around LOLCAT demotivational poster images for weeks and I didn’t know about it.
Historic Tale Construction Kit
Another thing I did while I was on vacation was color my hair. I had used henna before, a plant that produces a red dye, but only by itself. The instructions I have recommend combining it with indigo to get browns instead. I wrote up a quick page about it with some pictures.
I finished the yarn this morning, it’s still drying. I haven’t even measured it yet. But it looks really good:
Now to get to work on the plain gray to go with it.
It’s time for another fiber get-together, The Boyfriend will be gone and I’m on vacation all next week. After a week of working on projects I’ll have a bunch of stuff to share (and some hems to mark.) Email for more info.