Posts tagged ‘merino’

I’ve finally gotten to writing the page about hackle blending I wanted to do. I don’t actually have a hackle, but you can do pretty much the same thing on a smaller scale with a wool comb. I did one of my blended yarns this way to get a striped top. The article shows how to make a two color striped top.

And after much yarn tossed in the trash, I’ve finally started the tussah silk for the fine skein. Dunking the fiber made a huge difference so now I’m planning how I want to dye the bombyx. I’m thinking of doing the silk swatch as an embroidered piece. I’m still toying with the idea of using it for brocade weft. The idea of pick-up pattern weaving is not a pleasant one, however.

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© 2004-2007 Andrea Longo
spinnyspinny at feorlen dot org